July 25-27 2024

628 Louisa Ave, Mineral VA 23117
Walton Park
Agriculture Grows Here.
Horse Show
July 27, 2025
8:30 AM
Pre-Registration by July 25: $10 per class
Registration after July 25: $12 per class
Class List
In-Hand Classes
Western Halter
English Halter
Gaited Halter
Youth Showmanship
Adult Showmanship
Beginner Classes
Lead line
Intro Eq - Walk/Halt
Intro Eq - Walk/Circle/Back
Intro Eq - Walk/Trot/ Pattern
Western Classes
Western Youth Horsemanship W/J
Western Youth Pleasure W/J
Western Youth Pleasure GAYP
Western Adult Horsemanship W/J
Western Adult Horsemanship W/J/L
Western Adult Pleasure W/J
Western Adult Pleasure GAYP
Western Adult Pleasure W/J/L
English Classes
English Youth Eq W/T
English Youth Pleasure W/T
English Youth Pleasure GAYP
English Adult Eq W/T
English Adult Eq W/T/C
English Adult Pleasure W/T
English Adult Pleasure GAYP
English Adult Pleasure W/T/C
Gaited Classes
Open Gaited Country Pleasure (GAYP)
Walk/Gait (2 gait class)
Walk/Gait/Canter (3 gait class)
Water class
Fun Classes
Egg & Spoon Race
Partner Race
Trail Classes
Trail Youth
Trail Adult
Open Trail - In Hand
• Leadline class- Riders 7 and under must have Adult Handler
•Intro Eq classes - Open to both Western/English riders who can walk/trot but cannot post well. A handler may walk w/ rider but no assistance.
• Trail Classes - Riders must complete trail classes between 10am-1pm
Show Rules
All Riders UNDER 18 years of age are REQUIRED to wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet with a fastened harness when MOUNTED, regardless of discipline.
Youth: Riders 17 years of age and younger
Adult: Riders 18 years of age or older
Every Class offered herein, which is covered by the rules and specifications listed will be judged accordingly.
The Judge’s decision is FINAL. DO NOT approach the Judge, except by way of show management.
All Horses/Ponies on the show grounds must present a current negative coggins dated within 12 months of the date of the show, and MUST LEAVE A COPY with the show Secretary at check-in. We will not have a copy machine or printer! BRING A COPY WE CAN KEEP PLEASE.
Entries: $12/class the day of the show *OR* $10/class if Pre-entered by Friday, July 19th 11:59 p.m. Any entries received after that will be considered a “Day Of” entry and charged accordingly.
Payment must be made in CASH or CHECK ONLY! We cannot accept credit cards or electronic payment at this time.
$50 returned check fee
Entries will not be accepted without Release of Liability signed for every rider regardless of age. Youth must have Adult present to sign waiver. NO back numbers will be given out without a signed release.
Classes will be placed 1st through 6th place with Champion and Reserve Champion awarded to the top 2 high point scores for divisions of horsemanship, pleasure, and equitation only. High point overall Adult and Youth will be awarded and 1 SHOW CHAMPION will be awarded to the highest point total for the day.
Classes designated with ** count towards overall High Point scores
Points will be counted on a scale as follows: 1st place-6 points; 2nd place-5 points; 3rd place-4 points; 4th place-3 points; 5th place-2 points; 6th place-1 point. Division Champion-10 points; Division Reserve Champion-8 points.
Show Management reserves the right to refuse entries, and cancel or combine any class or division it deems necessary.
Exhibitors show at their own risk. In case of a fall, rider may NOT remount in the ring.
Schooling will be permitted in the show ring between 7:15AM and 8:15AM the day of the show and at designated times. Show management reserves the right to split or terminate schooling. Please see DAY OF schedule for schooling times. There will be NO LUNGING in the ring at ANY time! Lunging must be done outside the ring and away from crowded areas.
Stallions must be marked with a YELLOW TAIL RIBBON and are NOT PERMITTED to be handled, ridden, or exhibited by persons under 18 years of age.
All dogs must be on a leash at all times and under the direct control of a handler.
Louisa County Fair Location
Walton Park
628 Louisa Ave
Mineral, VA 23117

Mailing Address
Louisa County Fair
PO Box 1064
Louisa, VA 23093